办公电话: 18618336024 传 真:
2021.07至今 北京科技大学 云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 副教授
2019.12至2020.10 美国犹他大学 访问学者
2017.07至2021.06 北京科技大学 云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 讲师
2015.01至2017.06 北京科技大学 云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 教师博士后
2014-05于东北大学材料与云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 系/院有色金属冶金专业获得博士学位
代表性论著 :
1. Hongliang Zhao, Baozhong Ma, Shuang Hong, Hao Huang, Fengqin Liu*, Hong Yong Sohn, Recovery of Copper and Cobalt from Converter Slags via Reduction–Sulfurization Smelting Using Spent Pot-Lining as the Reductant, Journal: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, (9)11: 4234–4246.
2. Hongliang Zhao, Fengqin Liu*, Mingzhuang Xie, Wei Liu, Hong Yong Sohn, Recycling and utilization of spent potlining by different high temperature treatments, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 289:125704.
3. Hongliang Zhao, Jingqi Wang, Fengqin Liu, Hong Yong Sohn*, Experimental study on bubble distribution and splashing in a Peirce–Smith copper converter, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2021, 52B: 440–450.
4. Zhengping Zuo, Han Lv, Rongbin Li, Fengqin Liu*, Hongliang Zhao*. A new approach to recover the valuable elements in black aluminum dross. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2021, 174.
5. Liu Fengqin, Xie Mingzhuang, Yu Guoqing, Ke Chaoyang, Hongliang Zhao*. Study on Calcination Catalysis and Desilication Mechanism for Coal Gangue. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021. (封面论文,接收)
6. Yadong Xiao, Tingting Lu, Yugao Zhou, Qiuqiong Su, Liangzhao Mu, Tao Wei, Hongliang Zhao*, Fengqin Liu*. Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on Enhanced Circulation Flow in a Side-blown Copper Smelting Furnace, JOM, 2021. (接收)
7. Hongliang Zhao, Jingqi Wang, Fengqin Liu, Hong Yong Sohn*, Experimental study on flow zone distribution and mixing time in a Peirce-Smith copper converter, International, Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2021, Online.
8. Fengqin Liu, Mingzhuang Xie, Rongbin Li, Hongliang Zhao*, Impurity Migrations in Aluminum Reduction Process and Quality Improvement by Anti-oxidized Prebaked Anode, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2021, 7: 427–436
9. Hongliang Zhao, Zhifan Song, Hanxi Gao, Biqian Li, Tao Hu*, Fengqin Liu*, Hong Yong Sohn, The structure-directing role of graphene in composites with porous FeOOH nanorods for Li ion batteries, RSC Advances, 2020, 10: 41403.
10. Fengqin Liu, Mingzhuang, Wei Liu, Hongliang Zhao*, Footprint of harmful substances in spent pot lining of aluminum reduction cell, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2020, 30(7): 1956-1963.
11. Han Lv, Hongliang Zhao (共同一作), Zhengping Zuo, Rongbin Li, Fengqin Liu*, A thermodynamic and kinetic study of catalyzed hydrolysis of aluminum nitride in secondary aluminum dross, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(5): 9735-9745.
12. Hongliang Zhao, Hanxi Gao, Biqian Li, Zhifan Song, Tao Hu*, Fengqin Liu*. Atomic layer deposition of V2O5 on nitrogen-doped graphene as an anode for lithium-ion batteries. Materials Letters, 2019, 252(1): 215-218.
13. Hongliang Zhao, Tingting Lu, Fengqin Liu*, Pan Yin, Sen Wang, Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on a top-blown smelting process with a lance failure in an Isa furnace, JOM, 2019, 71(5): 1643–1649.
14. Hongliang Zhao, Tingting Lu, Pan Yin, Liangzhao Mu, Fengqin Liu*. An experimental and simulated study on gas-liquid flow and mixing behavior in an ISASMELT furnace. Metals, 2019, 9(5): 565.
15. Hongliang Zhao, Xing Zhao, Liangzhao Mu, Lifeng Zhang*, Liqiang Yang, Gas–liquid mass transfer and flow phenomena in a Peirce–Smith converter: a numerical model study, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2019, 26(09): 1092-1104.
16. Hongliang Zhao, Jingqi Wang, Wanlong Zhang, Mingzhuang Xie, Fengqin Liu*, Xiaochang Cao. Bubble Motion and Interfacial Phenomena during Bubbles Crossing Liquid–Liquid Interfaces. Processes, 2019, 7(10): 719.
17. Xing Zhao, Hongliang Zhao*, Lifeng Zhang, Liqing Yang. Gas–liquid mass transfer and flow phenomena in the Peirce-Smith converter: a water model study, International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy & Materials, 2018, 25(1): 37-44. SCI: 000419400900005.
18. Hongliang Zhao, Lifeng Zhang, Pan Yin, Sen Wang. Bubble motion and gas-liquid mixing in metallurgical reactor with a top submerged lance, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2017, 15(3): 1-8. SCI: 000403153000003.
19. Hongliang Zhao, Xing Zhao, Lifeng Zhang, Pan Yin. Experimental study on scale-up of solid–liquid stirred tank with an Intermig impeller, JOM, 2017, 69(2): 301-306. SCI: 000393106400022.
20. Hongliang Zhao, Pan Yin, Lifeng Zhang*, Sen Wang, Water model experiments of multiphase mixing in the top-blown smelting process of copper concentrate, International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy & Materials, 2016, 23(12): 1369-1376. SCI: 000390006500003.
21. Hongliang Zhao, Chao Lv, Yan Liu*, Ting’an Zhang, Process optimization of seed precipitation tank with multiple impellers using computational fluid dynamics. JOM, 2015, 67(7), 1451-1458. SCI: 000357447600016.
22. Guoquan Zhang, Hongliang Zhao, Chao Lv, Yan Liu, Tingan Zhang. CFD Simulations of a large-scale seed precipitation tank stirred with multiple Intermig impellers. 2015, Light Metals 2015: 65-68. EI: 20154001341727.
23. Hongliang Zhao,Zi-mu Zhang,Ting-an Zhang,Yan Liu,Song-qing Gu, Chao Zhang. Experimental and CFD studies of solid–liquid slurry tank stirred with an improved Intermig impeller. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2014,24(8):2650-2659. SCI: 000342138600029.
24. Hongliang Zhao, Yan Liu, Ting-an Zhang, Song-qin Gu. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations on multiphase flow in mechanically agitated seed precipitation tank. JOM,2014,66(7):1218-1226. SCI: 000338536100019.
25. Hongliang Zhao, Ting’an Zhang*, Yan Liu, Zimu Zhang, Chao Zhang, Numerical Simulations of Solid-liquid Stirred Tank with an Improved Intermig Impeller, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2013, 1542(1):1286-1289.
26. 赵洪亮,殷攀,张立峰*. 高固含搅拌槽内颗粒混合与悬浮特性的实验研究,工程科学学报,2017,39(1):54-60.
27. 赵洪亮,张国权,吕国志,张廷安*. 无焙烧钛白废酸氧压浸出转炉钒渣研究. 东北大学学报(自然科学版),2014,35(9):1288-1290.
28. 赵洪亮,洪爽,刘伟,吕晗,刘风琴*. 电解铝废槽衬还原提取铜转炉渣中铜钴的试验研究. 有色金属(冶炼部分),2019,(9):53-57.
29. 殷攀,赵洪亮*,张立峰,王森,张建坤,范魏,艾萨旋流顶吹熔炼过程数值模拟,材料与冶金学报,2017,(02):104-109.
30. 杨理强,赵洪亮*,张立峰. CCS铜冶炼厂转炉生产模式的实践. 中国冶金,2017,27(1):58-64.
31. 赵洪亮,张廷安*,张超,刘燕,赵秋月,王淑婵,豆志河. 改进Intermig桨种分槽搅拌性能的数值模拟. 过程工程学报,2011,11(1):15-19.