  • 姓        名:左海滨
  • 职        务:教授/钢铁冶金新技术国家重点实验室副主任
  • 电子邮件: [email protected]

办公电话: 01082377180                            传   真: 01082377180

办公地点: 冶金楼1210      



  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 个人简介:

    男,教授,博士生导师,1976年4月出生于河北沧州,2009年于北京科技大学获钢铁冶金博士学位,2013-2014年加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)访问学者。现任钢铁冶金新技术国家重点实验室副主任,“中国低碳冶金创新技术联盟”副秘书长,“共抓长江大保护科技创新联盟”理事。主要从事低碳冶金工艺理论及劣质煤炭资源高值化利用研究,致力开发耦合富氢煤气喷吹的顶煤气循环-氧气高炉全新炼铁工艺,提出了劣质煤炭热萃取+石墨化转化并制备高级碳材的技术思路。目前承担国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等各类项目30余项。在Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Journal of Cleaner Production、MMTB、ISIJ等国内外期刊及重要会议发表论文180篇,授权发明专利14件,软件著作权5项。获国家科技进步二等奖1项,省部级科技进步奖8项,北京市专利奖1项。获国际冶金“Willy Korf”杰出青年奖。






    1. Zhu ZhengLu, Zuo Haibin*, Li Shijie, Tu Jiguo, Guan Wei, Song Weili, Zhao Jun, Tian Donghua, Jiao Shuqiang. A green electrochemical transformation of inferior coals to crystalline graphite for stable Li-ion storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(13): 7533-7540.

    2. Jun Zhao, Haibin Zuo*, Guangwei Wang, Jiongsong Wang, Qingguo Xue. Improving the Coke Property through Adding HPC Extracted from the Mixture of Low-Rank Coal and Biomass. Energy & Fuel, 2020, 34(2): 1802-1810.

    3.Jun Zhao , Hang Su , Haibin Zuo *, Jingsong Wang , Qingguo Xue. The mechanism of preparation calcium ferrite from desulfurization gypsum produced in sintering. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 267(9): 1-10.

    4. Zhenglu Zhu, Kaikai Bai, Haibin Zuo*, Enyu Ma, Zhiqiang Xu, Lincheng Liu. One-pot synthesis of MnO/C N-doped hybrid materials for high performance lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 805: 692-700.

    5. Yuzhu Pan, Xuefeng She, Guang Wang, Haibin Zuo*, Jiongsong Wang, Qingguo Xue. Melting behavior and interaction of gangue phase of iron-containing burden. ISIJ International, 2019, 59(7): 1192-1197.

    6. Yuzhu Pan, Haibin Zuo*, Binxu Wang, Jingsong Wang, Guang Wang, Yingli Liu, Qingguo Xue. Effect of reduction degree on cohesive zone and permeability of mixed burden. Ironmaing & Steelmaking, 2020, 47(3)322-327.

    7. Wanlong Zhang, Haibin Zuo*, Xinru Zhang, Jingsong Wang, Longfei Guo, Xing Peng. Preparation of Graphene-Perfluoroalkoxy Composite and Thermal and Mechanical Properties. Polymers, 2018, 10: 700.

    8. Haibin Zuo*, Cong Wang, Yingli Liu. Dissolution behavior of a novel Al2O3-SiC-SiO2-C composite refractory in blast furnace slag. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(9): 7080-7087.

    9. Hai-bin Zuo*, CongWang. Oxidation behavior and kinetics of Al2O3-SiC-SiO2-C refractories in CO2 atmosphere. Ceramics International, 2016, 42 (13): 14765-14773.

    10. Haibin Zuo*, Cong Wang, Jianliang Zhang, Jiugang Shao, Yongan Zhao, Kexin Jiao. Comparison of oxidation behaviors of novel carbon composite brick with traditional carbon brick. Ceramics International, 2015, 41(6): 7929-7936.