  • 姓        名:周恒
  • 职        务:副教授
  • 电子邮件: [email protected]



研究生课程 :





  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 简历:

    2022.07-至今,北京科技大学,云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 钢铁冶金系,副教授

    2017.01–2022.07,北京科技大学,云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 钢铁冶金系,教师博士后、讲师



    代表性论著 :


    [1] Xu Tian, Heng Zhou*, Jian Huang, et al. DEM study on discharge behavior of ternary cylindrical activated coke particles. Powder Technology, 2022, 409, 117785.

    [2] Heng Zhou, Yifan Hu, Xu Tian, et al. Numerical Simulation of Pulverized Coal Injection in the Dome Zone of a COREX Melter Gasifier. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s11663-022-02601-7.

    [3] Heng Zhou, Kun Xu, Xu Tian, et al. Influence of burden profile on gas-solid distribution in COREX shaft furnace with center gas supply by CFD-DEM model. Powder Technology, 2021, 392, 672-679.

    [4] Heng Zhou, Jianlong Wu, Zhibin Hong, et al. Numerical simulation of coke collapse and its optimization during burden charging at the top of bell-less blast furnace. Powder Technology, 2021, 389, 155-162.

    [5] Heng Zhou, Xu Tian, Mingyin Kou, et al. Numerical study of fine particles behaviors in a packed bed with lateral injection using CFD-DEM. Powder Technology, 2021, 392, 317-324.

    [6] Heng Zhou, Kun Xu, Yifan Hu, et al. Numerical study on the influence of center gas supply device on gas-solid residence time distribution in COREX shaft furnace. Particulate Science and Technology, 2021, 39, 887-895.

    [7] Heng Zhou, Xu Tian, Shun Yao, et al. Numerical Analysis of Blast Furnace with Injection of COREX Export Gas after Removal of CO2. ISIJ International, 2021, 61(1), 174-181.

    [8] Heng Zhou, Xu Tian, Mingyin Kou, et al. Numerical simulation of the effect of burden profile on gas flow in a COREX shaft furnace. Powder Technology, 2020, 376, 537-548.

    [9] Heng Zhou, Shengli Wu, Mingyin Kou, et al. Discrete particle simulation of solid flow in a large-scale reduction shaft furnace with center gas supply device. ISIJ International, 2018, 58(3), 442-430.

    [10] Heng Zhou, Shengli Wu, Mingyin Kou, et al. Analysis of cohesive particle percolation in a packed bed using discrete element method. ISIJ International, 2018, 58(1), 43-51.