2015,澳大利亚伍伦贡大学冶金工程专业(博士)。2. 2009,中国石油大学(华东)应用化学专业(本科)。
王哲,副教授,1987年5月出生。2009年在中国石油大学(华东)化学工程学院应用化学专业获学士学位,2015年在澳大利亚伍伦贡大学材料工程学院获博士学位。2015年4月至2016年3月在伍伦贡大学从事博士后工作,2016年6月回国在北京科技大学钢铁冶金新技术国家重点实验室担任讲师,2018年6月晋升为副教授。主要研究方向为:(1)超重力高温冶金,超重力技术在金属材料回收、提纯及制备领域的应用研究,包括:热镀锌渣回收金属锌;电子废弃物多金属分步分离;锡、铝、钢、高温合金等金属熔体超重力净化与凝固;金属材料超重力高通量制备;泡沫金属、钨铜合金等复合材料超重力制备等。(2)冶金二次资源循环利用:铁矿石烧结法回收钢厂粉尘、氧化铁皮及含钛磁铁矿;超重力法回收热镀锌渣、电子废弃物等。近年来承担国家级、校级等纵向课题6项,参与国家级及企业横向课题10余项;在Metall. Mater. Trans. B、ISIJ Int.、Appl. Energy、J. Clean. Prod.等刊物发表SCI检索论文20余篇;申请发明专利3项。
• Zhe Wang, Jintao Gao, Anjun Shi, Long Meng and Zhancheng Guo:“Recovery of zinc from galvanizing dross by a method of super-gravity separation”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.735, pp. 1997-2006, 2018..
• Zhe Wang, Luling Li and Guangqing Zhang:“Life cycle greenhouse gas assessment of hydrogen production via chemical looping combustion thermally coupled steam reforming”, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.179, pp. 335-346, 2018..
• Zhe Wang, Jintao Gao, Long Meng, Anjun shi and Zhancheng Guo: “Recovery of Zinc from Zn–Al–Fe Melt by Supergravity Separation”, ISIJ International, vol. 58(6), pp. 1175-1177, 2018..
• Zhe Wang, Weiyu Fan, Guangqing Zhang and Shuang Dong:“Exergy Analysis of Methane Cracking Thermally Coupled with Chemical Looping Combustion for Hydrogen Production”, Applied Energy, vol.168, pp. 1-12, 2016..
• Zhe Wang, David Pinson, Sheng Chew, Brian J. Monaghan, Mark I. Pownceby, Nathan A. S. Webster, Harold Rogers and Guangqing Zhang:“Effects of Sintering Materials and Gas Conditions on Formation of Silico-Ferrites of Calcium and Aluminium during Iron Ore Sintering”, ISIJ International, vol. 56(7), pp. 1138-1147, 2016..
• Zhe Wang, David Pinson, Sheng Chew, Brian J. Monaghan, Mark I. Pownceby, Nathan A. S. Webster, Harold Rogers and Guangqing Zhang:“Effect of Addition of Mill Scale on Sintering of Iron Ores”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, vol. 47(5), pp. 2848-2860, 2016..
• Zhe Wang, David Pinson, Sheng Chew, Brian J. Monaghan, Harold Rogers and Guangqing Zhang:“Mineral Phase Formation and Zinc Removal during Sintering of Filter Cake Wastes”, ISIJ International, vol. 56(4), pp. 505-512, 2016..
• Zhe Wang, David Pinson, Sheng Chew, Harold Rogers, Brian J. Monaghan, Mark I. Pownceby, Nathan A. S. Webster and Guangqing Zhang:“Behaviour of New Zealand Ironsand during Iron Ore Sintering”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, vol. 47(1), pp. 330-343, 2016..