办公地点: 冶金楼510
2021年6月博士毕业于北京科技大学,2021年7月留校从事博士后研究,2024年1月以讲师身份入职云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 。主要从事纳米新能源材料和器件的研究,侧重研究新型高比能锂离子电池材料的储能和性能演变机制、退役锂电池健康状态评估及失效分析、正/负极补锂剂的研发。作为项目负责人,承担省部级项目2项。相关学术成果发表在Advanced Materials、Advanced Energy Materials、Journal of Energy Chemistry、ACS Applied Materials Interfaces等期刊上。
代表性论著 :
(1) Lifan Wang, Guicheng Liu, Rui Wang, Xindong Wang, Liguang Wang, Zhenpeng Yao, Chun Zhan, Jun Lu. Regulating surface oxygen activity by perovskite coating stabilized ultrahigh-nickle layered oxide cathodes, Advanced Materials, 2022, 35: 2209483.
(2) Lifan Wang, Guicheng Liu, Rui Xu, Xindong Wang, Liguang Wang, Zhenpeng Yao, Chun Zhan, Jun Lu. Enabling an intrinsically safe and high-energy-density 4.5 V-class lithium-ion battery with synergistically incorporated fast ion conductors. Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 13: 2203999.
(3) Lifan Wang, Rui Wang, Cong Zhong, Liangtao Lu, Danya Gong, Qinling Shi, Yujie Fan, Xindong Wang, Chun Zhan, Guicheng Liu. New insight on correlation between the electrochemical stability and the thermal stability of high nickel cathode materials. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2022, 72: 265-275.
(4) Lifan Wang, Leiying Wang, Qinlin Shi, Cong Zhong, Danya Gong, Xindong Wang, Chun Zhan, Guicheng Liu. In-situ constructed SnO2 gradient buffer layer as a tight and robust interphase toward Li metal anodes in LATP solid state batteries. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 80: 89-98.
(5) Lifan Wang, Rui Wang, Qinling Shi, Cong Zhong, Danya Gong, Liangtao Lu, Xindong Wang, Guicheng Liu, Chun Zhan. Enhanced high-voltage robustness of ultra-high nickel cathodes by constructing lithium-ion conductor buffer layer for highly stable lithium-ion batteries. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 605: 154684.
(6) Lifan Wang, Danya Gong, Siheng Niu, Leiying Wang, Qinling Shi, Xindong Wang, Guicheng Liu, Chun Zhan. Origin and regulation of interfacial instability for nickel-rich cathodes and NASICON-type Li1+xAlxTi2−x(PO4)3 solid electrolytes in solid-state lithium batteries. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 605: 154684.
(7) Lifan Wang, Jingyue Wang, Leiying Wang, Mingjun Zhang, Rui Wang, Chun Zhan. A critical review on nickel-based cathodes in rechargeable batteries. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2022, 29: 925.
(8) Lifan Wang, Gaoyang Liu, Xianan Ding, Chun Zhan, Xindong Wang. Simultaneous coating and doping of a Nickel-rich cathode by an oxygen ion conductor for enhanced stability and power of Lithium ion batteries, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2019, 11: 33901-33912.
(9) Lifan Wang, Rui Wang, Jingyue Wang, Rui Xu, Xindong Wang, Chun Zhan. Nanowelding to Improve the Chemomechanical Stability of the Ni-Rich Layered Cathode Materials, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2021, 13: 8324-8336.
(10) Lifan Wang, Mengmeng Geng, Xianan Ding, Chen Fang, Yu Zhang, Shanshan Shi, Yong Zheng, Kai Yang, Chun Zhan, Xindong Wang. Research progress of the electrochemical impedance technique applied to the high-capacity lithium-ion battery, International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2021, 28(04): 538-552.
(11) Lifan Wang, Qinling Shi, Chun Zhan, and Guicheng Liu. One-step solid-state synthesis of Ni-rich cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, Materials, 2023: 16(8), 3079.