研究生课程: 资源循环与高效利用
Ø 冶金等工业固废材料化利用
Ø 固废中有价元素提取与回收
Ø 工业窑炉协同利用城市固废
2010-2012,云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 ,师资博士后
2012-2013,云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 ,讲师
2013-2018,云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 ,副教授,生态系副主任
2017-今,云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 ,博士生导师
2018-2023,云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 ,副院长
2018-今,云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 ,教授
刘晓明(1980- ),山东临沂人,入选国家级青年人才计划,教育部“课程思政教学名师及教学团队成员”,第十二届中国金属学会“冶金青年科技奖”,第四届中国有色金属学会“创新争先计划”,美国斯坦福大学“World top 2% scientists”。
一直从事工业固废/危废资源化高效利用的研究与应用工作,包括有色/钢铁冶炼渣尘、煤基固废、工业副产石膏、尾矿、垃圾焚烧飞灰等固废的材料化利用,固废中有价元素的提取利用和工业窑炉协同处置城市固废。先后承担国家、省部级和企业科研项目70余项。在国内外学术期刊发表论文130余篇,其中ESI高被引4篇,SCI影响因子大于10论文23篇;已授权国家发明专利31件,以第一完成人获2022年度中国有色金属科技进步一等奖和2019年度建筑材料科技进步二等奖。兼任中国硅酸盐学会理事,中国硅酸盐学会固废分会常务理事、青年委员会主任委员,中国建筑学会建材分会理事,《Green Energy and Resources》、《Materials》和《Materials Reports: Solid waste and Ecomaterials》期刊编委,《International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials》、《Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International》和《工程科学学报》期刊青年编委。
[1] Yaguang Wang, Xiaoming Liu*, Wei Zhang, Zepeng Li, Yuliang Zhang, Yong Li, Yongyu Ren, Effects of Si/Al ratio on the efflorescence and properties of fly ash based geopolymer, Journal of Cleaner Production , 2020, 244, 118852.(ESI高被引论文)
[2] Yang Xue, Xiaoming Liu*, Detoxification, solidification and recycling of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal , 2021,420:130349.(ESI高被引论文)
[3] Mengfan Wang, Xiaoming Liu*. Applications of red mud as an environmental remediation material: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2021, 408:124420.(ESI高被引论文)
[4] Emile Mukiza, LingLing Zhang*, Xiaoming Liu*, Na Zhang. Utilization of red mud in road base and subgrade materials: A review, Resources, Conservation and Recycling . 2019, 141: 187-199.(ESI高被引论文)
[5] Pengfei Wu, Xiaoming Liu*, Zengqi Zhang*, Chao Wei, Jie Wang, Jiarui Gu, The harmless utilization of red mud: Recovering iron from red mud by pyrometallurgy and preparing cementitious materials with its tailings. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chem istry , 2024, 132: 50–65.
[6] Xinyue Liu, Xiaoming Liu*, Zengqi Zhang*. Application of yellow phosphorus slag in resource recovery and environmental remediation: A review. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 349: 119397.
[7] Xinyue Liu, Yongyu Ren, Zengqi Zhang, Xiaoming Liu*, Yaguang Wang*. Harmless treatment of electrolytic manganese residue: Ammonia nitrogen recovery, preparation of struvite and nonsintered bricks. Chemical Engineering Journal , 2023, 455(2): 140739.
[8] Yang Xue, Tongyuan Yang, Xiaoming Liu*, Zhen Cao, Jiarui Gu, Yanlong Wang. Enabling efficient and economical degradation of PCDD/Fs in MSWIFA via catalysis and dechlorination effect of EMR in synergistic thermal treatment. Chemosphere , 2023, 342: 140164.
[9] Yang Xue, Xiaoming Liu*, Chunbao (Charles) Xu*, Yonghui Han*. Hydrometallurgical detoxification and recycling of electric arc furnace dust. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials , 2023.
[10] Yang Xue, Xiaoming Liu*, Na Zhang*, Song Guo, Zhiqing Xie, Chunbao Xu*.A novel process for the treatment of steelmaking converter dust: Selective leaching and recovery of zinc sulfate and synthesis of iron oxides@HTCC photocatalysts by carbonizing carbohydrates. Hydrometallurgy , 2023, 217: 106039.
[11] Huimin Wang, Xiaoming Liu*, Zengqi Zhang*. Pozzolanic activity evaluation methods of solid waste: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production , 2023, 402: 136783.
[12] Huimin Wang, Xiaoming Liu*, Zengqi Zhang. Approaches for electroplating sludge treatment and disposal technology: Reduction, pretreatment and reuse, Journal of Environmental Management . 2023, 349: 119535.
[13] Yong Li, Xiaoming Liu*, Zepeng Li, Yongyu Ren, Yaguang Wang, Wei Zhang. Preparation, characterization and application of red mud, fly ash and desulfurized gypsum based eco-friendly road base materials, Journal of Cleaner Production . 2021, 284, 124777.
[14] Wei Zhang; Xiaoming Liu*; Yaguang Wang; Zepeng Li; Yong Li. Circulating fluidized bed fly ash based multi-solid wastes road base materials: Hydration characteristics and utilization of SO3 and f -CaO. Journal of Cleaner Production , 2021.09, 316: 128355.
[15] Yaguang Wang, Dongsheng Li, Xiaoming Liu*, Wei Zhang, Zepeng Li, Yong Li, Yongyu Ren, Heng Li. Mechanism of magnetizing the Bayer red mud and meanwhile improving the cementitious activity of its tailings by using biomass. Journal of Cleaner Production , 2021, 287, 125016.
[16] Wei Zhang,Xiaoming Liu*, Yaguang Wang, Zepeng Li, Yong Li, Yongyu Ren. Binary reaction behaviors of red mud based cementitious material: Hydration characteristics and Na+ utilization. Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2021, 410:124592.
[17] Yuliang Zhang, Xiaoming Liu*, Yingtang Xu, Binwen Tang, Yaguang Wang, Preparation of road base material by utilizing electrolytic manganese residue based on Si-Al structure: Mechanical properties and Mn2+ stabilization/solidification characterization, Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2020, 390, 122188.
[18] Yaguang Wang, Shuai Gao, Xiaoming Liu*, BinwenTang, Emile Mukiz, Na Zhang*. Preparation of non-sintered permeable bricks using electrolytic manganese residue: Environmental and NH3-N recovery benefits. Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2019, 378, 120768.
[19] Yuliang Zhang, Xiaoming Liu*, Yingtang Xu, Binwen Tang, Yaguang Wang, Emile Mukiz, Preparation and characterization of cement treated road base material utilizing electrolytic manganese residue. Journal of Cleaner Production , Volume 232, 2019, Pages 980-992.
[20] Yingtang Xu, Bo Yang, Xiaoming Liu*, Shuai Gao, Dongsheng Li, Emile Mukiz, and Huajian Li. Investigation of the medium calcium based non-burnt brick made by red mud and fly ash: durability and hydration characteristics. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials , 2019, 26(8), 983-991.(获该期刊年度优秀论文奖)
[21] Dandan Peng, Yaguang Wang, Xiaoming Liu*, Binwen Tang, Na Zhang*. Preparation, characterization, and application of an eco-friendly sand-fixing material largely utilizing coal-based solid waste. Journal of Hazardous Materials , Volume 373, 2019, Pages 294-302
[22] X. Liu*, X. Zhao, H. Yin, J. Chen, N. Zhang*. Intermediate-calcium based cementitious materials prepared by MSWI fly ash and other solid wastes: hydration characteristics and heavy metals solidification behavior. Journal of Hazardous Materials .2018, 349, 262-271.
[23] X. Liu, N. Zhang, Y. Yao*, H. Sun, C. Feng. Micro-structural characterization of the hydration products of bauxite-calcination-method red mud-coal gangue based cementitious materials. Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2013, 262, 428-438.
[24] X. Liu*, N. Zhang, H. Sun, J. Zhang, L. Li. Structural investigation relating to the cementitious activity of bauxite residue – red mud. Cement and Concrete Research, 2011,41(8):847-853.
[25] X. Liu*, N. Zhang. Utilization of red mud in cement production: A review. Waste Management and Research, 2011, 29(10): 1053-1063.
[26] N. Zhang, H. Li, X. Liu*, Hydration mechanism and leaching behavior of bauxite-calcination-method red mud-coal gangue based cementitious materials. Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2016, 314, 172-180.
[27] N. Zhang, H. Li, Y. Zhao, X. Liu*, Hydration products and environmental friendly performance of a cementitious material composed of calcium silicate slag. Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2016, 306, 67-76.
[28] N. Zhang, H. Sun, X. Liu*, J. Zhang, Early-age characteristics of red mud-coal gangue cementitious material. Journal of Hazardous Materials . 2009,167:927-932.
[29] 刘晓明,张增起*,李宇,张娜,王亚光,张未,张以河. 赤泥在建筑材料和复合高分子材料中的利用研究进展. 材料导报 , 2023, 37(10): 23020109.
[30] 王亚光,刘晓明*. 赤泥基光催化材料降解水中有机污染物的应用现状及发展趋势[J]. 工程科学学报 , 2021, 43(1): 22-32.
[31] 刘晓明*, 唐彬文, 尹海峰, Emile Mukiza. 赤泥煤矸石基公路路面基层材料的耐久与环境性能. 工程科学学报, 2018, 40(4):438-445.(该期刊2018年度被引用前10名文章)
[32] 李恒, 刘晓明*, 赵喜彬, 陈蛟龙, 尹海峰, 生物质松木锯末中低温还原高铁拜耳法赤泥. 工程科学学报, 2017, 39(9): 1331-1338.
[33] 陈蛟龙,张娜,李恒,赵喜彬,刘晓明*.赤泥基似膏体充填材料水化特性研究.工程科学学报, 2017, 39 (11):1641-1646.