  • 姓        名:刘轩
  • 职        务:副教授
  • 电子邮件: [email protected]



本科课程: 《有色金属冶金学》(全英文)、《储能原理》

研究生课程 :





1、MDPI《Crystal》Guest editor

2、MDPI《Materials》Topic Advisory Panel Member

  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 简历:


    2017.01~2022.06,北京科技大学大学云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 工作,讲师;


    2022.07~至今,北京科技大学大学云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 工作,副教授;


    近年来结合国家发展战略需求,开展铝合金先进电化学冶金与储能前沿性基础研究,在外场协同铝、镁冶金熔炼一体化先进工艺、铝镁新能源材料先进制备方面确立了有特色的稳定研究方向,在冶金、能源和金属材料领域高水平期刊发表学术论文40余篇(第一/通讯35篇,TOP 25篇),总影响因子超过200;部分成果产生了较大国际影响和广泛关注(两篇TOP国际期刊论文单篇他引大于60次),获得冶金院长奖章提名奖(2022),主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、北京市自然科学基金1项;作为执行负责人参与承担国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、企业合作项目1项。主讲全英文有色金属冶金学等本科核心课程、独立指导完成培养工学学士3人、协助指导硕士2人和博士2人,担任国内外多种期刊审稿人,

    代表性论著 :

    1. Liu X, Wang M, Xue J, Jiao S*. Current progresses and future prospects on aluminium–air batteries, International Materials Reviews, 2021, //doi.org/10.1080/09506608.2021.2006968 (中科院1区Top,IF="15.75)

    2. Liu X, Zhang P, Xue J*, et al. High energy efficiency of Al-based anodes for Al-air battery by simultaneous addition of Mn and Sb. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 417, 128006. (中科院1区Top,IF="16.744)

    3. Liu X*, Zhu Z, Xue J*. Electrochemical and corrosion behaviors of the wrought Mg–Y–Zn based alloys with high Y/Zn mole ratios. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2021, 9, 1419-1427. (中科院1区Top,IF="11.813)

    4. Liu X, Guo Z, Xue J*, et al. Effects of cooling rate on casting ternary Al–Cu-Sc alloy prepared by ultrasound-assisted molten salt electrolysis, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020, 771: 138657. (中科院1区Top,IF="6.044)

    5. Liu X, Guo Z, Xue J*, et al. Microstructures and mechanical properties of the Al–Cu–Sc alloys prepared by ultrasound-assisted molten salt electrolysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 818: 152870. (中科院2区Top,IF="6.371)

    6. Liu X, Xue J*, Guo Z, et al. Segregation behaviors of Sc and unique primary Al3Sc in Al-Sc alloys prepared by molten salt electrolysis, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2019, 35(7): 1422-1431. (中科院1区Top,IF="10.319)

    7.  Liu X, Zhang P, Xue J*. The role of micro-naoscale AlSb precipitates in improving the discharge performance of Al-Sb alloy anodes for Al-air batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 425: 186-194. (中科院1区Top,IF="9.794)

    8. Liu X, Xue J*, Zhang P, et al, Effects of the combinative Ca, Sm and La additions on the electrochemical behaviors and discharge performance of the as-extruded AZ91 anodes for Mg-air batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 414, 174-182. (中科院1区Top,IF="9.794)

    9. Liu X, Guo Z, Xue J*, et al. Effects of synergetic ultrasound on the Sc yield and primary Al3Sc in the Al-Sc alloy prepared by the molten salts electrolysis, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2019, 52: 33-40. (中科院1区Top,IF="9.336)

    10. Liu X, Xue J*. The role of Al2Gd cuboids in the discharge performance and electrochemical behaviors of AZ31-Gd anode for Mg-air batteries. Energy, 2019, 189: 116314. (中科院1区Top,IF= 8.857)