  • 姓        名:焦克新
  • 职        务:教授/博士生导师/ 大安全科学研究院副院长/ 钢铁冶金系主任
  • 电子邮件: [email protected]




研究生课程 :高炉安全长寿新技术


低碳炼铁新技术; 高炉安全长寿技术; 金属复合材料研发及性能表征; 新型耐火材料研发及性能表征; 高温冶金熔体物性研究。




MMTB、Cera. Int., ISIJ、Fuel、Energy等期刊审稿人。

  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 简历:

    2022.7-至今:云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 钢冶系,教授

    2019.6-2022.6:云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 钢冶系,副教授 2016.12-2019.6:云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 钢冶系,讲师 2015.11-2016.11:澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究院(CSIRO),博士后 2010.9-2015.6:云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站 ,冶金工程专业,博士 2006.9-2010.7:北京科技大学冶金与生态学院,冶金工程专业,学士

    代表性论著 :


    [1]  Kexin Jiao*, Guangxiang Feng, Jianliang Zhang, Hengbao Ma, Ziyu Guo. Characterization and formation mechanism of graphite-rich iron protective layer in blast furnace hearth. Fuel, 306(12): 121665. (SCI 检索,IF="6.609)

    [2]  Sai Meng, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Yanbing Zong, Lei Zhang, Hengbao Ma, Ziyu Guo. Dissection study of the deadman in a commercial blast furnace hearth. Fuel Processing Technology, 221(10): 106916. (SCI 检索,IF="7.033)

    [3]  Hengbao Ma, Kexin Jiao*, Cui Wang, Jianliang Zhang. Viscosity of CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2- FeO slag with varying TiO2 content: The effect of crystallization on viscosity abrupt behavior. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(12): 17445-17454. (SCI 检索,IF="4.527)

    [4]  Xinyu Zhang, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Ziyu Guo. A review on low carbon emissions projects of steel industry in the World. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 306(07): 127259. (SCI 检索,IF="9.297)

    [5]  Xiaoyue Fan, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Rongrong Wang. Comprehensive research about critical interaction region named cohesive zone in series of dissected blast furnaces: A Review. ISIJ International, 2021, 61(06): 1758-1767. (SCI 检索,IF="1.739)

    [6]  Hengbao Ma, Kexin Jiao*, Cui Wang, Jianliang Zhang. Investigation of formation and shedding behavior of slag crust in a large blast furnace with copper stave: flow properties and crystallization characteristics. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2021, 60(11): 2357-2365. (SCI 检索,IF="2.347)

    [7]  Guangxiang Feng, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Shanchao Gao. High-temperature viscosity of iron‑carbon melts based on liquid structure: The effect of carbon content and temperature. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 330: 115603. (SCI 检索,IF="6.165)

    [8]  Kexin Jiao*, Cui Wang, Jianliang Zhang, Shan Ren, E Dianyu. Heat transfer evolution process in hearth based on blast furnace dissection. JOM, 2020, 72(05): 1935-1942. (SCI 检索,IF="2.474)

    [9]  Kai Gao, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Lei Zhang, Cui Wang, Weimin Gong, Jingxian Zheng, Haibin Zhang. Dissection investigation of forming process of titanium compounds layer in the blast furnace hearth. ISIJ International, 2020, 60(11): 2385-2391. (SCI 检索,IF="1.739)

    [10] Tianlu Gao, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Hengbao Ma. Melting erosion failure mechanism of tuyere in blast furnace. ISIJ International, 2020, 61(01): 71-78. (SCI 检索,IF="1.739)

    [11] Heng Zhang, Kexin Jiao*, Jianping Liu. Comparisons of the microstructures and micro-mechanical properties of copper/steel explosive-bonded wave interfaces. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 756: 430-441. (SCI 检索,IF="4.652)

    [12] Xiaoyue Fan, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Ruiqi Cao, Rusheng He, Kaidi Wang. Study on physicochemical properties of Al2O3-SiC-C castable for blast furnace. Ceramics International, 2019, 45(11): 13903-13911. (SCI 检索,IF="3.830)

    [13] Xiaoyue Fan, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Hongxiu Ma, Haibin Jiang, Bingji Yan. Coke microstructure and graphitization across the hearth deadman regions in a commercial blast furnace. ISIJ International, 2019, 59(10): 1770-1775. (SCI 检索,IF="1.405)

    [14] Zhiyu Chang, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Xiaojun Ning. Insights into accumulation behavior of harmful elements in cohesive zone with reference to its influence on coke. ISIJ International, 2019, 59(10): 1796-1800. (SCI 检索,IF="1.405)

    [15] Kexin Jiao*, Zhiyu Chang, Jianliang Zhang, Chunlin Chen. Thermodynamic properties and viscosities of CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3 slags. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 2019, 50(02): 1012-1022. (SCI 检索,IF="2.035)

    [16] Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Chunlin Chen. Analysis of the deadman features in hearth based on blast furnace dissection by comprehensive image-processing technique. ISIJ International, 2019, 59(01): 16-21. (SCI 检索,IF="1.405)

    [17] Hengbao Ma, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang. Basicity and TiO2 on crystallization behavior of high Ti-bearing slag. CrystEngComm, 2019, 22(02): 361-370. (SCI 检索,IF="3.117)

    [18] Zhiyu Chang, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang. Graphitization Behavior of Coke in Cohesive Zone. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2018, 49(06): 2956-2962. (SCI 检索,IF="1.952)

    [19] Zhiyu Chang, Kexin Jiao*, Xiaojun Ning, Jianliang Zhang. Behavior of Alkalis Accumulation of Coke in Cohesive Zone. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32: 8383-8391. (SCI 检索,IF="3.021)

    [20] Kexin Jiao, Xiaoyue Fan*, Jianliang Zhang, Kaidi Wang, Yongan Zhao. Corrosion behavior of alumina-carbon composite brick in typical blast furnace slag and iron. Ceramics International, 2018, 44: 19981-19988. (SCI 检索,IF="3.450)

    [21] Heng Zhang, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Jianping Niu. Experimental and numerical investigations of interface characteristics of copper/steel composite prepared by explosive welding. Materials & Design, 2018, 154: 140-152. (SCI 检索,IF="5.770)

    [22] Heng Zhang, Kexin Jiao*, Jianliang Zhang, Jianping Niu. Microstructure and mechanical properties investigations of copper-steel composite fabricated by explosive welding. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018, 731: 278-287. (SCI 检索,IF="4.081)

    [23] 焦克新,张建良*,刘征建,刘彦祥,梁利生,贾国栋.高炉炉缸凝铁层物相分析.工程科学学报.2017,39(06):838-846.

    [24] 焦克新*,张建良,刘征建,王广伟.高炉炉缸含钛保护层物相及TiC0.3N0.7形成机理.工程科学学报,2019,41(02):190-198.

    [25] 焦克新,张建良,刘征建,杨天钧.关于高炉炉缸长寿的关键问题解析.钢铁,2020,55(08):193-198.


    1、张建良, 焦克新, 刘征建, 等. 高炉炉缸安全长寿理论与实践. 冶金工业出版社, 2022.04.

    2、张建良, 焦克新, 王振阳. 炼铁过程节能减排先进技术. 冶金工业出版社, 2021.11.

    3、张建良, 焦克新, 黄务涤. The Operation of Contemporary Blast Furnaces. Springer, 2020.04.

    4、张建良, 罗登武, 左海滨, 曾晖 , 焦克新, 王振阳. 炼铁过程节能减排先进技术. 冶金工业出版社, 2019.12.