  • 姓        名:胡斌
  • 职        务:副教授/硕士生导师
  • 电子邮件: [email protected]


  • 办公电话: 010-62332911                      传        真: 010-62332911

  • 本科课程: 《泡沫冶金学》

  • 研究生课程: 《先进钢铁材料的设计与概述》

  • 科研方向: 1、超高强高韧塑钢的设计与制备

  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站

    胡斌,男,出生于河北沧州,始终致力于超高强高韧塑钢的研究,设计并中试制备出兼具2.2GPa屈服强度和16%均匀延伸率的“超级钢”。在Science和Acta Materialia等金属材料/冶金领域权威期刊发表学术论文,入选中国科协青年人才托举工程。





    工作经历: 2020.07~至今:北京科技大学,副教授;



    2016.03~2016.04,香港大学 机械工程系,临时全职助理研究员;


    [1] B. Hu, B. He, G. Cheng, H. Yen, M. Huang, H. Luo*, Super-high-strength and formable medium Mn steel manufactured by warm rolling process, Acta Materialia, 2019, 174: 131–141; SCI一区; IF: 7.293.

    [2] B. Hu, H. Luo*, A novel two-step intercritical annealing process to improve mechanical properties of medium Mn steel. Acta Materialia, 2019, 176: 250–263; SCI一区; IF: 7.293.

    [3] B. B. He, B. Hu, H.W. Yen, G.J. Cheng, Z.K. Wang, H.W. Luo*, M.X. Huang*, High dislocation density–induced large ductility in deformed and partitioned steels, Science, 2017, 357(6355), 1029–1032; SCI一区; IF: 41.037.

    [4] B. Hu, H. Luo*, F. Yang, H. Dong, Recent progress in medium-Mn steels made with new designing strategies, a review, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2017, 33(12): 1457–1464; SCI一区; IF: 5.04.

    [5] B. Hu, X. Tu, H.W. Luo, et al, Effect of warm rolling process on microstructures and tensile properties of 10Mn steel, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2020, 47(15): 131–141; SCI一区; IF: 5.04.

    [6] B. Hu, H. Luo*, A strong and ductile 7Mn steel manufactured by warm rolling and exhibiting both transformation and twinning induced plasticity, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 725, 684–693; SCI二区; IF: 4.175.

    [7] B. Hu, H.W. Luo, Microstructures and mechanical properties of 7Mn steel manufactured by different rolling processes, Metals, 2017, 7(11):464; SCI三区; IF: 2.259.

    [8] 胡斌, 屠鑫, 王玉, 罗海文, 中锰钢塑性失稳现象的研究进展及未来研究展望, 过程工程学报, 2020, 42(1): 48–59; 中文EI.

    [9] Bin Hu, The influence of initial microstructure on the Lüders strain of cold rolled medium Mn steels, The 4th International Conference on Medium and High Manganese Steel (HMnS 2019), Aachen, German, 2019; 权威国际会议论文.