  • 姓        名:程树森
  • 职        务:教授/博士生导师
  • 电子邮件: [email protected]


  • 办公电话: 15801256131                      传        真: 010-6233288

  • 本科课程: 冶金传输原理

  • 研究生课程: 冶金传输过程数值计算

  • 科研方向: 冶金过程数值计算及监控智能系统研究

  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站









    1. Xiaopeng SONG, Susen CHENG, Zijian CHENG. Numerical Computation for Metallurgical Behavior of Primary Inclusion in Compact Strip Production Mold. ISIJ international. 52(10):1824-1831. 2012.

    2. Guo jing, Cheng zijian, Cheng shusen, Cheng zewei. Thermodynamic analysis of desulfurization and its connection with deoxidation and temperature for SPHC in JISC during LF treatment. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2(8):18. 2011.

    3. Liang Qian, Su-sen Cheng, Hong-bo Zhao. Study on quantificational indexes for design and evaluation of copper stave for blast furnace, Journal of University of Science and technology Beijing, 15(1):1-7. 2008.

    4. ZHAO Hong-bo, CHENG Shu-sen, ZHU Jin-feng, PAN Hong-wei. Study on Mechanics of "Elephant foot shaped" Erosion of BF Hearth. The 5th ICSTI’09(第5届国际炼铁会议), Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International (Supply), 2009. (SCI)

    5. MA Jin-fang, ZHAO Hong-bo, CHENG Shu-sen. On-line Erosion Diagnosing, Effective Maintaining and Design Optimizing for Large-scale Blast Furnace. The 5th ICSTI’09, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International (Supply), 2009. (SCI)

    6. Huo, Shoufeng; Cheng, Shusen; Song, Xiaopeng. Theoretical Analysis and Experiment on Slag Detection System Based on Eddy Current Effect in Continuous Casting. 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering,Guilin,CHINA,APR, 201-203:1704-1709.2011.

    7. 宋小鹏,程树森,张利君,程子建,张鹏,张志华.薄板坯二冷区电磁搅拌铸坯内磁场分布和钢液流动. 北京科技大学学报, 34(11):1275-1285. 2012. (EI)

    8. 郭靖, 程树森, 杜鹏宇. 预测高炉回旋区深度和变化规律的数学模型. 北京科技大学学报, 32(11): 1476-1482. 2010.(EI)