  • 姓        名:黄焜
  • 职        务:教授/博导
  • 电子邮件: huangkun@gentingjt.com


  • 办公电话:                      传        真:

  • 本科课程:《冶金物理化学II》、《冶金单元设计与操作》、《稀土冶金》、《贵金属分离科学与新技术》

  • 研究生课程:《现代湿法冶金分离新技术》

  • 科研方向:稀贵金属湿法冶金分离科学与工程

  • 冶金分离界面化学与过程强化

  • 绿色冶金与新材料制备一体化

  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站


    1991年9月~1995年6月: 中南大学(原中南工业大学),化学系,冶金物理化学专业本科毕业,获工学学士学位

    1996年9月~1999年8月: 中南大学/昆明贵金属研究所(联合培养),有色金属冶金专业硕士研究生毕业,获工学硕士学位导师:陈景 院士

    1999年9月~2004年12月: 昆明理工大学,冶金与能源工程学院,有色金属冶金专业博士研究生毕业,获工学博士学位导师:陈景 院士

    2006年10月~2009年8月:北京大学,化学与分子工程学院,稀土材料化学及应用国家重点实验室,北京大学化学博士后流动站,无机化学专业博士后出站导师:吴瑾光 教授;徐光宪 院士




    2006年10月~ 2009年8月:北京大学,化学与分子工程学院,稀土材料化学及应用国家重点实验室,博士后,副研究员

    2009年9月~ 2018年2月:中国科学院过程工程研究所,中国科学院绿色过程与工程重点实验室,研究员,中国科学院大学博士研究生导师

    2018年3月~ 至今: 北京科技大学,教授,博士生导师


    先后主持完成国家自然科学基金、国家科技部973计划项目课题、中科院重点部署项目、中科院科研装备研制项目、国家发改委重点工业试验项目、国家“十五”科技攻关重点项目课题、国家科技部科研院所专项、云南省/广东省/青海省科技计划、行业重点企业横向委托开发课题等数十项科研项目。在ACS Sustain Chem Eng、Hydrometallurgy、AIChE J、Chem Eng Sci、Ind Eng Chem Res、Water Res、Sep Purif Technol、Langmuir、JPCB等国际著名冶金、化工分离TOP期刊发表SCI/EI收录学术论文一百八十余篇。获授权中国发明专利65件,国际发明专利2件(美国和南非专利各1件)。主编出版《Hydrometallurgy》专辑1部。参与《化学工程手册》(第三版)撰稿,撰写专章2章。参与《稀土资源绿色高效高值化利用》编撰,撰写专章1章。受邀在国际和国内专业学术会议做大会邀请报告17次,并担任第六届国际湿法冶金会议大会秘书长、第七届国际分离科学与技术会议分会主席。科研成果通过省部级鉴定7项,成果转化应用建立工业示范生产线4套。1999年获云南省科技进步三等奖,2000年获云南省技术发明三等奖,2003年获云南省自然科学一等奖,中国有色金属工业科技进步二等奖。2007年云南省优秀博士学位论文奖(2007年全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名),2008年获北京大学优秀博士后奖。2017年获中国稀土科学技术二等奖。已培养毕业博士研究生9名,硕士研究生6名。   



    [1]. Jie Liu, Xiaohong Wu, Kun Huang*, Wenqian Liu, Zhenmin Zhao, Huizhou Liu. Instability behavior of bubble supported organic liquid membrane in extraction of low-concentration rare earths from in-situ leaching solutions of ion-adsorption ores. Minerals Engineering. 2020, 159: UNSP 106645.

    [2].  Shao-Ping Feng, Kun Huang*. Enhanced separation of Pd(II) and Pt(IV) from hydrochloric acid aqueous solution using 2- ((2-methoxyethyl)thio)- 1H-benzimidazole. Rare Metals. 2020, 39(12):1473-1482.

    [3].  Na Sui, Kun Huang*. A new strategy of three-liquid-phase partitioning for stripping of heavy rare earths from the loaded organic phase. Separation and Purification Technology. 2020, 251: UNSP 117386.

    [4].  XiaoqinWang, Kun Huang*, Wenjuan Cao, Pan Sun, Weiyuan Song, Huizhou Liu. Kinetics and the difference for extraction of praseodymium and neodymium from nitrate aqueous solution by [A336][NO3] using the single drop technique. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2020, 28:1326-1333.

    [5].  Xiaoqin Wang, Kun Huang*, Wenjuan Cao, Pan Sun, Na Sui, Weiyuan Song, Huizhou Liu. Enhanced separation of praseodymium and neodymium by kinetic “push and pull” system of [A336][NO3]-DTPA in a column extractor. Journal of Rare Earths. 2020, 38: 203-212.

    [6]. Wenjuan Cao, Kun Huang*, Xiaoqin Wang, Huizhou Liu. Grouping separation of mixed rare earths from their coexisting aqueous solutions by liquid-column elution. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2019, 27(8): 1828-1836.

    [7]. Jie Liu, Kun Huang*, Wenqian Liu, Kaiqiang Zhang, Xiaohong Wu, Zhenmin Zhao, Huizhou Liu. Wettability and spreading behavior of organic extractant and its effect on formation of gas bubble supported organic liquid membrane for large-phase-ratio extraction. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification. 2019, 144: UNSP 107657.

    [8]. Zhen Gao, Kun Huang*, Lin Du, Huizhou Liu. Interfacial Behavior of Acidic Organophosphorus Extractant Monolayer at Air-Water Interface: Subphase pH and Spreading Solvent Effect. Acta Chimica Sinica. 2019, 77(6): 506-514.

    [9]. Pan Sun, Kun Huang*, Huizhou Liu. Separation of adjacent rare earth elements enhanced by “external push-pull” extraction system: An example for the separation of Pr and Nd. Hydrometallurgy. 2019, 189: UNSP 105136.

    [10]. Na Sui, Kun Huang*. Separation of rare earths using solvent extraction consisting of three phases. Hydrometallurgy. 2019, 188: 112-122.

    [11]. Pan Sun, Kun Huang*, Huizhou Liu. In situ Study of the Competitive Adsorption of Ions at an Organic-Aqueous Two-Phase Interface: the Essential Role of the Hofmeister Effect. Soft Matter. 2019, 15(21): 4346-4350.

    [12]. Pan Sun, Kun Huang*, Xinping Wang, Jiemiao Yu, Olivier Diat, Huizhou Liu. Confined Complexation Reaction of Metal Ions with a Lipophilic Surfactant at the Water/Air Interface: A New Understanding Based on Surface Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Langmuir. 2019, 35(13): 4548-4556.

    [13]. Jie Liu, Kun Huang*, Wenqian Liu, Huizhou Liu. Chemical Reaction-Driven Spreading of an Organic Extractant on the Gas−Water Interface: Insight into the Controllable Formation of a Gas Bubble-Supported Organic Extractant Liquid Membrane. Langmuir. 2019, 35(10): 3859-3868.

    [14]. Pan Sun, Kun Huang*, Huizhou Liu. The nature of salt effect in enhancing the extraction of rare earths by non-functional ionic liquids: Synergism of salt anion complexation and Hofmeister bias. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2019, 539: 214-222.

    [15]. Pan Sun, Kun Huang*, Weiyuan Song, Zhen Gao, Huizhou Liu. Separation of Rare Earths from the Transition Metals Using a Novel Ionic-Liquid-Based Aqueous Two-Phase System: Toward Green and Efficient Recycling of Rare Earths from the NdFeB Magnets. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2018, 57(49): 16934-16943.

    [16]. Pan Sun, Kun Huang*, Huizhou Liu. Competitive Adsorption of Ions at the Oil−Water Interface: A Possible Mechanism Underlying the Separation Selectivity for Liquid−Liquid Solvent Extraction. Langmuir. 2018, 34(44): 13155-13161.

    [17]. Pan Sun, Kun Huang*, Huizhou Liu. Specific Salt Effect on the Interaction between Rare Earth Ions and Trioctylphosphine Oxide Molecules at the Organic−Aqueous Two-Phase Interface: Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Langmuir. 2018, 34(38): 11374−11383.

    [18]. Pan Sun, Kun Huang*, Jieyuan Lin, Huizhou Liu. Role of Hydrophobic Interaction in Driving the Partitioning of Metal Ions in a PEG-Based Aqueous Two-Phase System. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2018, 57(33): 11390-11398.

    [19]. Pan Sun, Kun Huang*, Xiaoqin Wang, Na Sui, Jieyuan Lin, Wenjuan Cao, Huizhou Liu*. Three-liquid-phase extraction and separation of V(V) and Cr(VI) from acidic leach solutions of high-chromium vanadium-titanium magnetite. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2018, 26(7): 1451-1457.

    [20]. Chuanxu Xiao, Kun Huang*, Huizhou Liu*. A novel constant interfacial area cell for determining the extraction kinetics of Er(III) from chloride medium. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2018, 26(6): 1435-1441.

    [21]. Jie Liu, Kun Huang*, Xiaohong Wu, Wenqian Liu, Weiyuan Song, Huizhou Liu. Extraction of rare earths using bubbling organic liquid membrane with unsaponified P507. Hydrometallurgy. 2018, 175: 340-347.

    [22]. Jieyuan Lin, Kun Huang*, Pan Sun, Huizhou Liu. Phase separation dynamics in oil-polymer-salt-water three-liquid-phase system: Effect of phase-forming salt. Chemical Engineering Science. 2018, 176: 622-631.

    [23]. Chuanxu Xiao, Kun Huang,∗, Wenjuan Cao, Tingting Dong, Min Li, Huizhou Liu. Efficient extraction and enrichment of rare earth from diluent aqueous solution by organic hollow sphere. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2018, 132: 19-27.

    [24]. Jie Liu, Kun Huang,* Xiao-Hong Wu, Huizhou Liu. Enrichment of Low Concentration Rare Earths from Leach Solutions of Ion-Adsorption Ores by Bubbling Organic Liquid Membrane Extraction Using N1923. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2017, 5: 8070- 8078.

    [25]. Pan Sun, Kun Huang*, Xiaoqin Wang, Weiyuan Song, Han Zheng, Huizhou Liu. Separation of V from alkaline solution containing Cr using acidified primary amine N1923 with the addition of trisodium citrate. Separation and Purification Technology. 2017, 179: 504–512.

    [26]. Pan Sun, Kun Huang*, Huizhou Liu. Separation of V and Cr in alkaline aqueous solution using acidified primary amine N1923. Hydrometallurgy. 2016, 165: 370–380.

    [27]. Jie Liu, Kun Huang*, Keng Xie, Ying Yang, Huizhou Liu. An ecological new approach for treating Cr(VI)-containing industrial wastewater: Photochemical reduction. Water Research. 2016, 93: 187-194.

    [28]. 黄 焜*,李晓佩,徐怡庄,刘会洲. 萃取分离体系分子间弱相互作用的研究进展. 化工学报. 2016, 67(1): 152-164.

    [29]. Jie Liu, Kun Huang,* Huaizhi Wu, Huizhou Liu. A Feasible Strategy for Calculating the Required Mass Transfer Height of a New Bubbling Organic Liquid Membrane Extraction Tower Directly Based upon the Experimental Kinetic Data. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2016, 55(16): 4426-4434.  

    [30]. Kun Huang,* Jie Liu, Huaizhi Wu, Huizhou Liu. A New Bubbling Extraction Tower: Toward Liquid–Liquid Solvent Extraction at Large Aqueous-to-Oil Phase Ratios. AIChE Journal. 2015, 61(11): 3889-3897.

    [31]. Jieyuan Lin, Kun Huang*, Zhicheng Suo, Xiaopei Li, Chuanxu Xiao, Huizhou Liu. Phase Separation Dynamics in Oil−Polyethylene Glycol−Sulfate−Water Based Three-Liquid-Phase Systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2015, 54: 3952−3960.

    [32]. Na Sui, Kun Huang*, Han Zheng, Jieyuan Lin, Xiaoqin Wang, Chuanxu Xiao, Huizhou Liu. Three-Liquid-Phase Extraction and Separation of Rare Earths and Fe, Al, and Si by a Novel Mixer−Settler−Mixer Three-Chamber Integrated Extractor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014, 53: 16033−16043.

    [33]. Na Sui, Kun Huang*, Jieyuan Lin, Xiaopei Li, Xiaoqin Wang, Chuanxu Xiao, Huizhou Liu. Removal of Al, Fe and Si from complex rare-earth leach solution: A three-liquid-phase partitioning approach. Separation and Purification Technology. 2014, 127: 97-106.

    [34]. Kun Huang*, Huizhou Liu. Controllable Interfacial Mass Transfer Intensification for Multi-liquid Phase Extraction of Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium from Wasted Auto-Catalysts.  Waste and Biomass Valorization. 2013, 4: 619-626.

    [35]. Na Sui, Kun Huang*, Chao Zhang, Ning Wang, Fuchun Wang, Huizhou Liu. Light, Middle, and Heavy Rare-Earth Group Separation: A New Approach via a Liquid−Liquid−Liquid Three-Phase System. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2013, 52(17): 5997-6008.

    [36]. Chao Zhang, Kun Huang*, Pinhua Yu, Huizhou Liu. Ionic liquid based three-liquid-phase partitioning and one-step separation of Pt (IV), Pd (II) and Rh (III). Separation and Purification Technology. 2013, 108: 166-173.

    [37]. Pinhua Yu, Kun Huang*, Huizhou Liu, Keng Xie. Three-liquid-phase partition behaviors of Pt(IV), Pd(II) and Rh(III): Influences of phase-forming components. Separation and Purification Technology. 2012, 88(1): 52-60.

    [38]. Keng Xie, Kun Huang*, Liangrong Yang, Huizhou Liu. Enhanced separation of titanium and iron by three-liquid-phase extraction with 1,10-phenanthroline as additive. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2012, 87: 955-960.

    [39]. Chao Zhang, Kun Huang*, Pinhua Yu, Huizhou Liu. Sugaring-out three-liquid-phase extraction and one-step separation of Pt(IV), Pd(II) and Rh(III). Separation and Purification Technology. 2012, 87(1): 127-134.

    [40]. Kun Huang, Hui Zhou, Anqi He, Yan Sun, Yufeng Liu, Xiuxiang Gao, Ying Zhao, Shaoxuan Liu, Zhihong Li, Tiandou Hu, Xiaopei Li, Cuige Liu, Yongju Wei, Limin Yang, Juan Feng, Yuanli Cai, Zhanlan Yang, Yizhuang Xu, Isao Noda, Jinguang Wu. Superconcentrated Hydrochloric Acid. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2011, 115 (24): 7823-7829.

    [41]. Pinhua Yu, Kun Huang*, Chao Zhang, Keng Xie, Xiuqiong He, Junmei Zhao, Fuli Deng, Huizhou Liu. Block copolymer micellization induced microphase mass transfer: Partition of Pd(II), Pt(IV) and Rh(III) in three-liquid-phase systems of S201-EOPO-Na2SO4-H2O. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2011, 362(1): 228-234.

    [42]. Pinhua Yu, Kun Huang*, Chao Zhang, Keng Xie, Xiuqiong He, Huizhou Liu. One-step separation of platinum, palladium, and rhodium: A three-liquid-phase extraction approach. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2011, 50(15): 9368-9376.

    [43]. Chao Zhang, Kun Huang*, Pinhua Yu, Huizhou Liu. Salting-out induced three-liquid-phase separation of Pt(IV), Pd(II) and Rh(III) in system of S201-acetonitrile-NaCl-water. Separation and Purification Technology. 2011, 80(1): 81-89.

    [44]. Keng Xie, Kun Huang*, Liangrong Yang, Pinhua Yu, Huizhou Liu. Three-liquid-phase extraction: A new approach for simultaneous enrichment and separation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI). Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2011, 50(22): 12767-12773.

    [45]. Keng Xie, Kun Huang*, Lin Xu, Pinhua Yu, Liangrong Yang, Huizhou Liu. Three-liquid-phase extraction and separation of Ti(IV), Fe(III), and Mg(II). Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2011, 50(10): 6362-6368.

    [46]. Pinhua Yu, Kun Huang*, Junmei Zhao, Chao Zhang, Keng Xie, Fuli Deng, Huizhou Liu. A novel separation technique: Gas-assisted three-liquid-phase extraction for treatment of the phenolic wastewater. Separation and Purification Technology. 2010, 75(3): 316-322.

    [47]. Kun Huang, Jing Chen, Shaoxuan Liu, Xu Yizhuang, Wu Jinguang. Two-Dimensional Synchronous Correlation Spectroscopy for Probing Fluorescence Energy Transfer. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2010, 30(5): 1184-1188.

    [48]. Kun Huang, Jing Chen, Chengfeng Zhang, Zhihong Li, Qinghua Pan, Yan Sun, Shaoxuan Liu, Xuexin Liu, Weihong Li, Zhanlan Yang, Shifu Weng, Tiandou Hu, Yizhuang Xu, Jinguang Wu. Formation of super-concentrated hydrochloric acid in the third phase in tertiary amine N235-PtCl62--HCl system and its influences on the Pt microemulsion extraction. Science China - Chemistry. 2009, 52(11): 1825-1834.

    [49]. 黄 昆, 陈 静, 章成峰, 李志宏, 潘庆华, 孙燕, 刘少轩, 刘学新, 李维红, 杨展澜, 翁诗甫, 胡天斗, 徐怡庄, 吴瑾光. 叔胺N235-PtCl62−-HCl萃取体系第三相中“超浓盐酸”的生成及其微乳结构. 中国科学 B 辑:化学. 2009, 39(11): 1368-1377.

    [50]. Kun Huang, Qiwei Li, Jing Chen. Recovery of Copper, Nickel and Cobalt from Acidic Pressure Leaching Solutions of Low-Grade Sulfide Flotation Concentrates Containing Platinum Metals. Minerals Engineering. 2007, 20 (7): 722-728.

    [51]. Kun Huang, Jing Chen, Yi-ran Chen, et.al. Enrichment of PGMs by Two-Stage Selective Pressure Leaching-Cementation from Low-Grade Pt-Pd Sulfide Concentrates. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 2006, 37(5): 697-701.