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本科课程: 冶金环境监测与影响评价






  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 简历:

    于2000-2003年在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所攻读博士学位,师从著名生态学家李文华院士,获得博士学位后,来到北京科技大学工作至今。在工作期间,于2006年在澳大利亚La Trobe大学参加进修学习;于2017到2018年,在日东东北大学工学研究科做访问学者。


    主要从事绿色低碳技术、碳捕集材料设计与研发、固废资源化利用、LCA评价以及低碳产业发展规划领域的研究工作,先后负责和参与国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑计划项目、国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项和环保部重大项目,以及国际合作项目和地方政府项目40余项。在冶金、材料学、环境领域的著名期刊Chemical Engineering Journal,Journal of Hazardous Materials,Journal of Cleaner Production等发表论文100余篇。兼职日本东北大学兼职教授、国际期刊Sustainability客座主编、中国国际咨询工程公司咨询评估专家、中国自然资源学会废弃物资源化专业委员会委员、环境学会高级会员、中国农学会农业文化遗产分会理事、日本铁钢学会会员、美国矿业、金属与材料学会(TMS)会员和中关村绿创环境治理产业技术创新战略联盟专家委员会委员。


    [1] Yong Han, Tong Jiang, Xiangyan Xiong, Takahiro Miki, Xiangang Wu, Liyun Yang*. In- situ synthesis of modified zeolite with high zirconium content using fly ash and its efficient removal for As(V) in solution. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2024, 12, 112212 (SCI,IF: 7.7).

    [2] Shaojie Li, Shilong Jia, Tetsuya Nagasaka, Hao Bai, Liyun Yang*. CO2 Adsorption Properties of Amine-Modified Zeolites Synthesized Using Different Types of Solid Waste. Sustainability. 2023, 15, 10144 (SCI,IF: 3.9).

    [3] Haifei An, Weijian Tian, Xin Lu, Huanmei Yuan, Liyun Yang, Hao Zhang, Haoming Shen; Hao Bai, Boosting the CO2 adsorption performance by defect-rich hierarchical porous Mg-MOF-74, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 469: 144052 (SCI,IF: 15.1)

    [4] Liyun Yang, Tong Jiang*, Pengfei Xiong, Shuangjian Yang, Mengdan Gao, Tetsuya Nagasaka. Green activating silica-alumina insoluble phase of fly ash to synthesize zeolite P with high adsorption capacity for Pb(II) in solution. Advanced Powder Technology, 2023, 34, 103938. (SCI,IF: 4.969)

    [5] Shuangjian Yang, Liyun Yang*, Mengdan Gao, Hao Bai, Tetsuya Nagasaka. Synthesis of zeolite-geopolymer composites with high zeolite content for Pb(II) removal by a simple two-step method using fly ash and metakaolin. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 378, 134528 (SCI,IF: 11.072)

    [6] Mengdan Gao, Liyun Yang*, Shuangjian Yang, Tong Jiang, Fei Wu and Tetsuya Nagasaka. Simple aminated modified zeolite 4A synthesized using fly ash and its remediation of mercury contamination: characteristics and mechanism. Sustainability, 2022, 14, 15924. (SCI,IF: 3.889)

    [7] Liyun Yang, Mengdan Gao*, Tianci Wei, Takahiro Miki, Hao Bai, Tetsuya Nagasaka, Synergistic removal of As(V) from aqueous solution by nano zero valent iron loaded with zeolite 5A synthesized from fly ash. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424, 127428. (SCI, IF:14.224).

    [8] Shuangjian Yang, Liyun Yang*, Pengfei Xiong, Xiaoming Qian, Tetsuya Nagasaka. Ammonium continuous removal by zeolite P synthesized using fly ash combined with bacteria in aqueous solution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022: 1-7. (SCI,IF: 5.190)

    [9] Liyun Yang, Tianci Wei *, Shuwu Li, Yan Lv, Takahiro Miki, Libing Yang, Tetsuya Nagasaka, Immobilization persistence of Cu, Cr, Pb, Zn ions by the addition of steel slag in acidic contaminated mine soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 412, 25176 (SCI, IF:10.588).

    [10] Yu Li, Liyun Yang*, Xinxue Li, Takahiro Miki, Tetsuya Nagasaka, A composite adsorbent of ZnS nanoclusters grown in zeolite NaA synthesized from fly ash with a high mercury ion removal efficiency in solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 411, 125044. (SCI, IF:10.588).

    [11] 杨丽韫,杨双健,高梦郸,白皓,地聚合物在水体中抗侵蚀性的研究进展,功能材料,2021,12(52):12001-12007. (中文核心)

    [12] Liyun Yang, Shuwu Li, Tingting Wen, et al., Influence of ferrous-metal production on mercury contamination and fractionation in farmland soil around five typical iron and steel enterprises of Tangshan, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 188 (30): 109774 (SCI,IF: 4.527).

    [13] Tingting Wen, Liyun Yang*, Chenyuan Dang, et al., Effect of basic oxygen furnace slag on succession of the bacterial community and immobilization of various metal ions in acidic contaminated mine soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020, 121784 (SCI,IF: 9.038).

    [14] Tingting Wen, Liyun Yang*, Chenyuan Dang, Maomao Yang, Takahiro Miki, Hao Bai, Tetsuya Nagasaka, Effect of modified basic oxygen furnace slag on the controlled release of nitrate nitrogen and the functional microbial community in soil. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 261, 110191. (SCI, IF: 6.189)

    [15] Guoliang Chen, Liyun Yang*, Jun Chen, et al., Competitive mechanism and influencing factors for the simultaneous removal of Cr(III) and Zn(II) in acidic aqueous solutions using steel slag: Batch and column experiments. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 230: 69-79 (SCI,IF: 7.246)

    [16] Liyun Yang, Xiaoming Qian, Peng Yuan, et al., Green synthesis of zeolite 4A using fly ash fused with synergism of NaOH and Na2CO3, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 212: 250-260 (SCI,IF: 7.246)

    [17] Liyun Yang, Tingting Wen, Liping Wang, et al., The stability of the compounds formed in the process of removal Pb(II), Cu (II) and Cd(II) by steelmaking slag in an acidic aqueous solution. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 231: 41–48 (SCI,IF: 5.647)

    [18] 杨丽韫,孟凡绪,袁鹏,钱晓明,李书武,白皓,李宏, 粉煤灰合成分子筛主要工艺的研究进展, 硅酸盐通报, 2019, 3 (38):664-672. (中文核心)

    [19] Liyun Yang*, Maomao Yang, Liping Wang, et al., Heavy metal contamination and ecological risk of farmland soils adjoining steel plants in Tangshan, Hebei, China. Environ Sci Pollut Res., 2018, 25:1231–1242 (SCI, IF: 2.914).

    [20] Liyun Yang*, Maomao Yang, Ping Xu, et al., Characteristics of nitrate removal from aqueous solution by modified steel slag. Water 2017, 9, 1-17 (SCI, IF: 2.524).

    [21] Yang Liyun*, Xu Ping, Yang Maomao, Bai Hao, The characteristics of steel slag and the effect of its application as a soil additiveon the removal of nitrate from aqueous solution, Environ Sci Pollut Res., 2017, 24(5): 4882-4893 (SCI, IF:2.914).

    [22] 杨丽韫,陈军,袁鹏,白皓,李宏,钢渣去除废水中重金属离子的研究综述,钢铁, 2017, 8 (52): 1-9. (中文核心)