  • 姓        名:王广伟
  • 职        务:教授/博士生导师
  • 电子邮件: [email protected]
  • 办公电话: 010-62332550                      传        真:

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  • 科研方向: 低碳绿色炼铁研究

  • 个人简介
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  • 云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站

    2020.07至今 北京科技大学 教授 博士生导师

    2018.07~2020.07:北京科技大学 副教授 硕士生导师

    2017.07~2018.06:北京科技大学 讲师

    2015.03~2017.06:北京科技大学 教师博士后;

    2009.09~2015.01:北京科技大学 冶金工程专业 工学博士;

    2005.09~2009.07:北京科技大学 冶金工程专业 工学学士。


    [1]. Wang Guangwei, Zhang Jianliang, Lee Juiyuan*, et al. Hydrothermal carbonization of maize straw for hydrochar production and its injection for blast furnace. Applied Energy. 2020,226:114818. (SCI/EI检索,IF=8.848,中科院1区TOP期刊)

    [2]. Wang Guangwei, Ren Shan*, Zhang Jianliang, et al. Influence mechanism of alkali metals on CO2 gasification properties of metallurgical coke. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 387: 124093. (SCI/EI检索,IF=10.652,中科院1区TOP期刊)

    [3]. Wang Guangwei, Zhang Jianliang*, Huang Xin, et al. Co-gasification of petroleum coke-biomass blendedchar with steam at temperatures of 1173-1373 Kelvins. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 137: 678-688.(SCI/EI检索,IF=4.725,中科院1区TOP期刊)

    [4]. Wang Guangwei, Zhang Jianliang*, Chang Weiwei, et al.Structural features and gasification reactivity of biomass chars pyrolyzed in different atmospheres at high temperature. Energy, 2018,147:25-35.(SCI/EI检索, IF=6.082,中科院1区Top期刊)

    [5]. Wang Guangwei, Zhang Jianliang*, Zhang Guohua, et al. Experimental and kinetic studies on co-gasification of petroleum coke and biomass char blends. Energy, 2017,131:27-40.(SCI/EI检索, IF=6.082,中科院1区Top期刊)

    [6]. Wang Guangwei, Zhang Jianliang*, Shao Jiugang, et al. Experimental and modeling studies on CO2 gasification of biomass chars. Energy. 2016,114:143-154.(SCI/EI检索, IF=6.082,中科院1区Top期刊)

    [7]. Wang Guangwei, Zhang Jianliang*, Shao Jiugang, et al. Thermal behavior and kinetic analysis of co-combustion of waste biomass/low rank coal blends. Energy Conversion and Management. 2016, 124: 414-426. (SCI/EI检索, IF=8.208,中科院1区Top期刊)-高被引论文

    [8]. Wang Guangwei, Zhang Jianliang*,Hou Xinmei, et al. Study on CO2 gasification properties and kinetics of biomass chars and anthracite char. Bioresource Technology. 2015,177:66-73(SCI/EI检索, IF=7.539,中科院1区Top期刊)

    [9]. Kou Mingyin, Zuo Haibing, Ning Xiaojun, Wang Guangwei*,et al. Thermogravimetric study on gasification kinetics of hydropyrolysis char derived from low rank coal. Energy. 2019,188:116030.(SCI/EI检索, IF=6.082,中科院1区TOP期刊)

    [10]. Xu Junjun, Zhang Jianliang, Wang guangwei*, et al. Gasification mechanism and kinetics analysis of coke using distributed activation energy model (DAEM). Applied Thermal Engineering. 2019, 152: 605- 614.(SCI/EI检索,IF=4.725,中科院1区TOP期刊)

    [11]. Wang Peng, Wang Guangwei*, Zhang Jianliang, et al. Co-combustion characteristics and kinetic study of anthracite coal and palm kernel shell char. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 143:736-745.(SCI/EI检索,IF=4.725,中科院1区TOP期刊)

    [12]. Li Rongpeng, Zhang Jianliang, Wang Guangwei*, et al. Study on CO2 gasification reactivity of biomass char derived from high-temperature rapid pyrolysis. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017, 121: 1022- 1031.(SCI/EI检索,IF=4.725,中科院1区TOP期刊)

    [13]. Zhao Di, Zhang Jianliang, Wang Guangwei*, et al. Structure characteristics and combustibility of carbonaceous materials from blast furnace flue dust. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2016, 108: 1167- 1177.(SCI/EI检索,IF=4.725,中科院1区TOP期刊)

    [14]. Liang Wang, Wang Guangwei*, Ning Xiaojun, et al. Application of BP neural network to the prediction of coal ash melting characteristic temperature. Fuel, 2020,260:116324. (SCI/EI检索,IF =5.578,中科院2区TOP期刊)

    [15]. ZhangCuiliu, Wang Guangwei*, Ning Xiaojun, et al. Numerical simulation of combustion behaviors of hydrochar derived from low-rank coal in the raceway of blast furnace. Fuel, 2020, 278: 118267. (SCI/EI检索,IF =5.578,中科院2区TOP期刊)

    [16]. Ning Xiaojun, Teng Haipeng, Wang Guangwei*, et al. Physiochemical, structural and combustion properties of hydrochar obtained by hydrothermal carbonization of waste polyvinyl chloride. Fuel, 2020, 270: 117526. (SCI/EI检索,IF =5.578,中科院2区TOP期刊)

    [17]. Liu Zhengjian, Wang Guangwei*, Zhang Jianliang, et al. Study on CO2 gasification reactivity and structure characteristics of carbonaceous materials from COREX furnace. Energy & Fuels. 2018, 32(5): 6155- 6166(SCI/EI检索,IF=3.421,中科院2区TOP期刊)

    [18]. Wang Qi, Zhang Jianliang, Wang Guangwei*, et al. Thermal and kinetic analysis of coal with different waste plastics (PVC) in co-combustion. Energy & Fuels. 2018, 32(2):2145-2155. (SCI/EI检索,IF=3.421,中科院2区TOP期刊)