  • 姓        名:李克江
  • 职        务:教授
  • 电子邮件: [email protected]
  • 办公电话: 010-62332353                     办公地点冶金楼606-1

  • 本科课程:《冶金工程概论》《钢铁绿色制造技术》《冶金工程设计》

  • 研究生课程:

  • 科研方向:计算化学及其在冶金反应中的应用、碳素燃料及材料结构和性能的调控、氢冶金及绿色炼铁新工艺理论基础

  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 简历:

    2008.09–2012.06, 北京科技大学,冶金工程,工学学士

    2012.09–2017.06, 北京科技大学,冶金工程,硕博连读,工学博士

    2015.09–2016.09, 加拿大多伦多大学,材料科学与工程,国家公派出国,联合培养博士

    2017.07–2018.07, 北京科技大学,特聘副教授

    2018.07–2021.07, 北京科技大学,副教授

    2021.07–今, 北京科技大学,教授

    代表性论著 :



    [1] K Li,  et al. . Thermal behaviour during initial stages of graphene oxidation: Implications for reaction kinetics and mechanisms.  Chemical Engineering Journal.  2021(421), 129742. (SCI, IF: 10.652, TOP)

    [2] Z Bi, K. Li*,  et al. . Performance and transition mechanism from acidity to basicity of amphoteric oxides (Al2O3 and B2O3) in SiO2-CaO-Al2O3-B2O3 system: A molecular dynamics study. Ceramics International. 2021(47), 12252. (SCI, IF: 3.830, TOP)

    [3] H Li, H Zhang, K. Li*,  et al. . Catalytic graphitization of coke carbon by iron: Understanding the evolution of carbon Structure, morphology and lattice fringes. Fuel . 2020(279), 118531. (SCI, IF: 5.578, TOP)

    [4] K. Li,  et al. . A molecular dynamic simulation on the factors influencing the fluidity of molten coke ash during alkalization with K2O and Na2O.  Chemical Engineering Journal . 2017(313), 1184. (SCI, IF: 6.216, TOP)

    [5] C Jiang, K. Li*,  et al. . The effect of CaO and MgO on the structure and properties of coal ash in the blast furnace: A molecular dynamics simulation and thermodynamic calculation.  Chemical Engineering Science . 2019(210), 115226. (SCI, IF: 3.372, TOP)

    [6] K. Li,  et al. . Determination of the accuracy and reliability of molecular dynamics simulations in estimating the melting point of iron: Roles of interaction potentials and initial system configurations.  Journal of Molecular Liquids . 2019(290), 111204. (SCI, IF: 5.065, TOP)

    [7] K. Li,  et al. . Atomic-Scale Understanding about Coke Carbon Structural Evolution by Experimental Characterization and ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics.  Energy & Fuels . 2019(33), 10941. (SCI, IF: 3.021, TOP)

    [8] K. Li,  et al. . ReaxFF molecular dynamics simulation for the graphitization of amorphous carbon: a parametric study.  Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation . 2018(14), 2322. (SCI, IF: 5.011, TOP)

    [9] C Jiang, K. Li*,  et al. . Effect of MgO/Al2O3 ratio on the structure and properties of blast furnace slags: A molecular dynamics simulation.  Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids . 2018(502), 76. (SCI, IF: 2.488, TOP)

    [10] M Sun, J Zhang, K. Li*,  et al. . The Interfacial Behavior Between Coke and Liquid Iron: A Comparative Study on the Influence of Coke Pore, Carbon Structure and Ash .  JOM . 2020(72), 1. (SCI, IF: 2.029, 二区, TOP)


    张建良,李克江,刘征建,杨天钧. 氢冶金初探[M]. 冶金工业出版社,978-7-5024-8809-3,2020年4月
