  • 姓        名:姜东滨
  • 职        务:讲师
  • 电子邮件: [email protected]


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  • 科研方向: 金属凝固宏观偏析行为研究

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    研究成果在国际冶金刊物发表,包括International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Steel Research International等,现为国际期刊Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B审稿人。


    D. Jiang, W. Wang, S. Luo, C. Ji, and M. Zhu. “Numerical simulation of slab centerline segregation with mechanical reduction during continuous casting process.” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2018, 122: 315-323.

    D. Jiang, W. Wang, S. Luo, C. Ji, and M. Zhu. “Mechanism of macrosegregation formation in continuous casting slab: A numerical simulation study.” Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2017, 48(6): 3120-3131.

    D. Jiang, and M. Zhu. “Center segregation with final electromagnetic stirring in billet continuous casting process.” Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2017, 48(1): 444-455.

    D. Jiang, and M. Zhu. “Solidification structure and macrosegregation of billet continuous casting process with dual electromagnetic stirrings in mold and final stage of solidification: A numerical study.” Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2016, 47(6): 3446-3458.

    D. Jiang, and M. Zhu. “Flow and solidification in billet continuous casting machine with dual electromagnetic stirrings of mold and the final Solidification.” Steel Res. Int., 2015, 86(9): 993-1003.

    D. Jiang, W. Wang, S. Luo, and M. Zhu. “Numerical simulation of center segregation formation in the slab continuous casting and its alleviation with mechanical reduction.” Steel Res. Int., 2018. (Online)

    D. Jiang, and M. Zhu. “The fluid flow and solidification phenomenon in billet continuous casting process with mold and final electromagnetic stirrings”. TMS, 2015: 81-91. (EI)