  • 姓        名:赵立华
  • 职        务:副教授
  • 电子邮件: [email protected]


  • 办公电话:                      传        真:

  • 本科课程: «冶金传输原理»、«钢铁冶金学»

  • 研究生课程:

  • 科研方向: 冶金反应器的优化与控制、钢中非金属夹杂物控制技术

  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 云顶集团(中国)唯一官方网站



    (1) Lihua Zhao, Qifan Wu, Yanping Bao. Experimental Study on Sulfur removal of LF Refining Slag in Hot State by Blowing Air. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. 23(1). 33, 2016. (SCI)

    (2)赵立华, 孙燕, 张艳姝.高强钢300M静态再结晶动力学研究. 工程科学学报,38(1),2016.(EI)

    (3)L.H. Zhao, Y.J. Zhang, H.M. Zhou, P. Xu, Y.P. Bao. The Effects of Different P2O5 Content and Basicity on Phosphorus Enrichment in the CaO-SiO2-FetO-P2O5 Slag System. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 34(7). 627, 2015.(SCI)

    (4)Lihua Zhao, Wei Wei, Hao Bai, Xu Zhang, and Daqiang Cang. Synthesis of steel slag ceramics: chemical composition and crystalline phases of raw materials. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 22(3), 325, 2015. (SCI)

    (5)赵立华,王敏,李宁.40t单流中间包控流装置的优化配置. 工程科学学报, 37(3), 373, 2015. (EI)

    (6)Lihua Zhao,Li Zhan, Daqiang Cang. Effect of electric pulse on the crystal structure of solidified copper ingot.International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials。 2013. (SCI)

    (7)赵立华*, 张艳姝, 吴桂芳. GH4169高温合金的静态再结晶动力学. 材料热处理学报,36(5),5,2015 (EI)

    (8)赵立华,马文俊,王敏.100t钢包吹氩精炼过程的物理模拟. 北京科技大学学, 36, 140, 2014. (EI)


    (10) Lihua Zhao, Pu Liu et al.Analysis of Microstructure of Steel-slag Ceramic Tiles.Advanced Materials Research Vols, 2011, 168-170:1690-1694.(EI)

    (11) Lihua Zhao,Li Zhan, Daqiang Cang. Effect of electric pulse on the crystal structure of solidified copper ingot. 2013.(SCI)

    (12) Lihua Zhao,Daqiang Cang,Wei Wei,Yun Duan, Hao Bai.Experimental Study on the Performance of Phase Change Material for Thermal Storage.Proceeding of the Conference on China Technological Development of Renewable Energy Source,2010,12(4)2688-2694.(ISTP)

    (13) Lihua Zhao, Wei Wei, Chao Lian, Xiancong Zhao, Hao Bai,Daqiang Cang. Research on Correlation between Formula of Steel Slag Ceramic (CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 System) and Macro Property. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols,2011. (EI)

    (14) Lihua Zhao,Daqiang Cang,yu li. Current status and prospect of the biomass resources and utilization of bio-energy in China. IASTED International Conference on Environmental Management and Engineering, 2009.

    (15) 李怡宏, 赵立华, 包燕平, 王 敏, 申小维. 板坯中间包内钢液流动特性的规律研究. 北京科技大学学报。2014(EI)