  • 姓        名:胡晓军
  • 职        务:教授、北京科技大学发展规划处副处长、学术委员会办公室(秘书处)副主任(副秘书长)
  • 电子邮件: [email protected]
  • 办公电话: 010-62334500                      传        真:010-62334012

  • 办公地点: 冶金生态楼1108

  • 本科课程: 《冶金物理化学》(热力学部分);

  • 研究生课程:《冶金热力学理论与应用》;

  • 科研方向: 高温过程反应机理及动力学

  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 【教育与工作简历】

    1. 2005,日本东京大学(博士后)。

    2. 2000,北京科技大学冶金物理化学专业(博士)。

    3. 1997,东北大学钢铁冶金专业(硕士)。4. 1994,东北大学钢铁冶金专业(本科)。




    • Jiantao Zhang, Xiaojun Hu*, Ping Lin, Kuochih Chou:Effects of solution annealing on the microstructure evolution and corrosion behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel. Materials and Corrosion, 2019, 70(4): 676-687.

    • Yuewen Fan, Xiaojun Hu*, Rong Zhu, Kuochih Chou:Reaction between CO2-O2 mixture gas and Fe-C melts by isotope tracing method. ISIJ Int., 2020, 60(5): 848-855.

    • Hui Lu, Xiaojun Hu*, Bin Cao, Wanqiu Chai, Feiya Yan:Prediction of liquidus temperature for complex electrolyte systems Na3AlF6-AlF3-CaF2-MgF2-Al2O3-KF-LiF based on the machine learning methods. Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 2019, 189: 110-120.

    • Hui Lu, Xiaojun Hu*, Bin Cao, Liang Ma, Wanqiu Chai, Yunchuan Yang:Data mining assisted prediction of liquidus temperature for primary crystallization of different electrolyte systems. Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 2020, 196: 103885.

    • Hui Lu, Xiaojun Hu*, Liang Ma, Meng Li, Bin Cao:Measurement of the molecular ratio of Aluminium electrolyte using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2020, 164: 105753.

    • Jiantao Zhang, Xiaojun Hu*, Kuochih Chou:Effect of thiosulfate on corrosion behavior and passive films of duplex stainless steel 2205 in chloride solutions. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2019, 14: 9960-9973.

    • Jiantao Zhang, Xiaojun Hu*, Ping Lin, Kuochih Chou:Electrochemical behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel in a chloride-thiosulfate environment. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2019, 14: 4144-4160.

    • Jiantao Zhang, Xiaojun Hu*, Kuochih Chou:In-situ environmental transmission electron microscopy investigation of the phase transformation austenite to ferrite in duplex stainless steel. Materials Letters, 2020, 264: 127259.

    • Chao Pan, Xiaojun Hu*, Ping Lin, Kuochih Chou:Evolution of inclusions after cerium and titanium addition in aluminum deoxidized Fe-17Cr-9Ni austenitic stainless steel. ISIJ Int., 2020, 60(9), in press.

    •郑建超, 潘超, 张建涛, 付少鹏, 林平, 胡晓军*: Mn对2205双相不锈钢耐点蚀性能的影响. 工程科学学报, 2019, 41(2): 246-253.